Popularization site devoted to chronic tremor and other movement disorders.
The purpose of the site is to put on the same website, the answers to the questions I asked myself since I’m sick.
You have to visit so many sites just to find fragments of information that I decided to put as much as possible on the site while turning them into historical as well as socio-economic and medical.perspectives.
Tremors is not inevitable.
Many of you are or have been in front of people who tremble chronically and you have questions: … (read more)
Tremors in Belgium is an information website in English about chronic tremors and movement disorders.
Will try to be a wordwide overview of the informations about those deseases.
All associations, foundations,…are here welcome to present them self.
Whenever it is possible, it will not be any translation of the informations (Each language has its own sensibilities).
If some organisations présent them self in an other laguage than English because they’re working for spécific population, they will present themself in their own language a flag will prevent about the language they are writing
What is a movement disorder ?
- Definition of movement disorders.
- Whitch are these movement disorders. (List and definitions)
- Whitch are the associations or foundations that provide information on these diseases ?
(List of associations with their presentations and contact sheets.)
What is a chronic tremor ?
- Definition of chronic tremors.
- Whitch are these chronic tremors. (List and definitions)
- Whitch are the associations or foundations that provide information on these diseases ?
(List of associations with their presentations and contact sheets.)
General informations :
- Patients’ rights
- Chronic diseases.
- Rare diseases.